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Crossfit GOALS

1. Learn and USE the 6 key mobility WOD’s (according to DCF blog on 6/28/2012, these are 6 key mob wod’s everyone should know:


2. Try FRAN for my initial benchmark time sometime before the wedding . (9/29/2012)

3. Talk to Max Aita about the correct way to BREATHE during heavy powerlifts and heavy oly lifts….When I did my heavy deadlift on 6/8/2012….I HELD my breath the whole time on my way up, and something POPPED in my head…I instantly felt DIZZY and had a splitting headache….And like I said, I had a CT scan that confirmed that I didn’t have an aneurysm…

  1. Should I hold my breath when I do heavy lifts?
  2. Should I even be WORRIED about anerysums? Considering I have high blood pressure?
  3. Do you breathe the same way for ALL lifts? the 3 powerlifts and the 2 oly lifts?


-Stay CALM…lower your blood pressure

Eat more vegetables, and less meat….I’m on a nutritarian/ paleo lite diet….more kale, more veggies, more fruits, less meat.

-keep my SHOULDER healthy

Getting back into the swing of things

I’ve been on hiatus from Crossfit due to the following reasons:

Transition to a new position at work (from RSAM support to FA/ Fleet/ Clearwell/ iVOS support)

Various health issues:

-At first it was my shoulder

-Now my shoulder is fine, but then I had all sorts of SKIN issues

-Now I’m experiencing INFLAMMATION throughout my body…my joints, my tongue, my sinuses, my eyeballs…everything feels INFLAMED and I get a HEADACHE every time I work out.

-After the last heavy deadlift, I experienced dizziness and recurring headaches, so i went to the ER and got a CT scan with and without contrast…(I was worried that I had a ruptured aneurysm, or an UN-ruptured aneurysm…either one is really really bad) turns out I was completely fine, and the doctor told me that I was cleared to continue crossfit, BUT she recomended that I do squats, and NOT do heavy deadlifts…she said that squats are more anotomical than deadlifts…



SO anyways, I’m trying to get back into crossfit, after a long hiatus…I’m going to try to go at least 3-4 times a week…



Today the WOD was

3-4 ruounds of the following:

10 Clean and Jerks with Dumb-bells

50 double-unders


I did three rounds in 12 minutes, counting double under singles and double under attempts…



“For every hour spend training, you should spend an hour doing mobility exercises and mobility stretches…to keep your body flexible and capable of performing crossfit movements correctly and efficiently to prevent injury” – DCF trainer Ben Weiss


New Mobility WOD I learned today

Roll out your ankle on the kettlebell, starting at the achilles heel and working your way up your leg to the calf level.  Try to put a lot of pressure and weight on your ankle by putting your other leg on it….

THEN, standup and step on the kettlebell to get a good stretch on your calf and ankle.  Keep your leg STRAIGHT….


then  bend your knee and lean forward to get a stretch in your ANKLE instead of your calf….



These kettlebell ankle mobility stretches will help with SQUAT mobility…

Row’d Kill

Rowd kill
A position
-back straight up
Don’t lean back as you pull
Keep knees straight don’t push knees out like when u squat

When u pull back keep ur elbows back behind u

As soon as u hit ur sternum quickly snap it back and pull it down on ur way back, then bend ur knees

Bar shouldn’t touch ur knees ever

250m in 14 strokes should be ur goal…I got 152m in 14 strokes PR

Rowd kill WOD;

Time Interval: 20 Seconds of rowing, 10 seconds of rest for 10 rounds…this really gassed me, especially the last 2 rounds.  My feet swelled up and felt numb, and my legs were tingly…felt good.  felt like I got hit hard with a MET CON….highest was 93M, lowest 82m

MAX Deadlift today was 265…so weak.  My head got really lightheaded and I felt dizzy so I stopped.


jones squat (put bands around a squat rack, then wrap them around your knees)
keep toes pointed FORWARD when doing HEAVY SQUATS
take a deep breath in and say “HYUP” and HOLD the breath as you go down.
go down fast and EXPLODE on the way up
keep your CHEST UP while doing squats.
don’t “collapse” into a good morning position.
Keep your chest up
try to make your knees go OUTWARD as you go down and up, while keeping your toes pointed forward

Do squats close to the bar, don’t waste any energy carrying the bar away and to the rack.

When racking the bar, RUN FORWARD and make the rack tilt forward, just to be safe.

ACTIVE HIPS means keeping your chest up, holding your breath, and squeezing your butt and abs

Snatch tips from Margeaux at DCF

1)start slow, like a deadlift (I was RIPPING the bar off the floor, but I should be going up slowly)
2) When the bar is over the knees then EXPLODE!
3) While exploding, Pull the bar TOWARDS yourself with elbows up higher than bar (The trajectory of the bar should be CLOSE to your body, and you should get under it as you make a “jump” noise
4)The jump as u catch the bar over you
5)Make sure to turn the wrists as you catch it…so in ne quick motion as u slam ur feet on the ground, ur palms face behind u, then they face the ceiling……so in other words, don’t MUSCLE it up.  Don’t use your arms to flips the bar up…use the explosiveness of your hips, and get under the bar

My weakness is overhead squats…I should work on more of these…

Top 10 Tips for starting Crossfit from Crossfit Lafayette (Louisiana)


10 Tips for Starting CrossFit

Stepping into a CrossFit gym for the first time can be a bit intimidating and overwhelming. You might see a bunch of half-naked hard bodies showing off their ink and abs, ripping out butterfly kip after butterfly kip. You might ask yourself, “Is that person having a seizure or doing pull-ups? What’s with all the Chuck Taylors? Do they get a group rate? What’s with the guy in the corner wearing only sweatpants, shirt off, all tatted up and muttering to himself? Is he on a work-release program?” Fear not newbie; these people won’t bite. They’re actually pretty darn friendly and overly supportive once you get to know them. It can be a lot to take in at first glance, especially if you’ve had limited exposure to CrossFit prior to stepping into a gym. But don’t worry; we’ve got your back. The following are 10 things to keep in mind as you begin your CrossFit journey.

1.) You’re Competing Against Yourself, Not Others

When it comes time to throw down in a wod, don’t feel like you have to do everything RX’d or be able to complete 20 rounds of “Cindy” right off the bat. Go at your own pace. Let the intensity find you. You need a solid foundation of strength and flexibility in order to progress into more demanding workouts. Start light, get your form down, and don’t worry about the mother of three who is deadlifting 250 as you struggle with the bar. Chase your own capacity before chasing the person next to you. Which brings me to my next point…

2.) Don’t Be Too Proud To Scale

Sing it with me now:

Ain’t too proud to scale, sweet darling.
Please don’t leave the wod. Don’t you go.
Ain’t too proud to scale, baby baby.
Please don’t leave the wod. Don’t you go.

Tony Budding (of CrossFit HQ) describes scaling as another form of programming. Scaling is such an individualized topic that it’s hard to make sweeping generalized statements. You have to know your own body and its limits. But most importantly, there’s no substitute for common sense.

3.) What You Eat Is More Important Than What You Lift

Nutrition is the key to every aspect of your life. It affects your energy levels, your recovery, and your overall defense against disease. To quote the late Jack Lalanne, “You put junk in, junk comes out. You put good in, good comes out.” When you’re first starting out, the quality of your food is far more important than the quantity. Call it whatever you want: Zone, Paleo, Primal, Hunter-Gatherer; just eat clean. You are a Ferrari. You wouldn’t put regular unleaded fuel in a Ferrari, would you?

4.) Don’t Be Afraid To Ask For Clarification, Over and Over Again

It’s your time, money, and most importantly, health. If you don’t fully understand something, ask. If you still don’t get it, ask again. Don’t be afraid to ask for clarification if you don’t fully grasp the concept, or you think others in the class will get frustrated with you for taking up too much time. We were all newbies at one point. We’ve all been there. Learning the mechanics of certain movements like the kip, squat, deadlift, or any of the olympic lifts takes lots of practice and critique from a trained eye. If you need help, just ask.

5.) CrossFit Isn’t Everything

CrossFit is a strength and conditioning program that focuses on building general physical preparedness (GPP). It is quickly evolving into a sport of its own, but that doesn’t mean that it has to be your sport or your lifeblood. I CrossFit so that I can do whatever I want: Go out, play sports, learn new things. Having that GPP allows me to take on new challenges. CrossFit is not my life. I CrossFit so that I can have a life…and be awesome at it.

6.) It Doesn’t Get Easier, It Just Sucks Less

The longer you immerse yourself in the suck, the less it sucks. You get stronger, build a greater aerobic capacity, and become mentally tough. All of these aspects, combined with experience, allow you to know when to push yourself and when to back off, so that you can attack each workout to the best of your ability. Soon, you’ll come to love the beatdowns. Much like Kevin Bacon in Animal House, you’ll be screaming, “Thank you sir! May I have another?” Well, maybe not. But you get the point.

7.) You Won’t PR Every Day

Don’t mistake intensity for hard work. Even if you’re having a bad day and the intensity just isn’t there, you can still get a lot out of your time in the gym through hard work. Intensity and hard work are not the same thing. Don’t skip a planned session just because you don’t think you’re going to kill it and leave everything out on the table. Not feeling too strong that day? That’s fine; scale the weights and/or rounds or time domain back. Something is better than nothing.

8.) Have Fun!!

Let’s face it, some of the workouts are not fun. Frankly, some of them just plain suck. I’m looking at you, Hero wods. But when it’s over, you feel a sense of accomplishment and maybe a little queasy. You shouldn’t be pissed that you didn’t get as many reps as the person next to you. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Smile. Laugh. Introduce yourself to people you don’t know. If you’re not having fun, why are you here? Do you enjoy your overall time spent at the gym? Do you enjoy the people, the community, the knowledge and support that it provides? If so, then don’t be too concerned with your competitive nature until you have a strong grasp on the 9 Foundational Movements.

The things you’ll learn in a CrossFit gym are fun: gymnastics, olympic lifts, new swear words. You can’t do this stuff in a globo gym. The attitude is different too; no one is going to get in your face and cheer you on as you knock out those last five minutes on the elliptical. And the feeling you’ll have the first time you get an unassisted dead hang pull-up or full squat snatch is an amazing sense of power and accomplishment.

9.) You Are All Firebreathers

The term “Firebreather” comes from CrossFit legend and bad ass Greg Amundson, and he defines it as such:

Firebreather –Fie-r-bre’-th-er: (n) 1. One who faces the triumphs and tribulations of great physical opposition with an indomitable spirit. 2. An optimistic energy associated with the heart of an athlete.

You don’t have to be an “elite” CrossFitter to embody the essence of a true Firebreather. It’s not your“Fran” time, it’s the spirit you bring to “Fran” that makes you a Firebreather. Don’t forget that.

10.) Respect Rest and Recovery

Too many newbies (and even those of us who have been doing this a while) get caught up in overtraining. Don’t be afraid to schedule in a deload day once per week, or a deload week every 4-6 weeks where you cut the weight, rounds, and intensity in half. You have to think about this from a longevity standpoint. If you’re killing yourself every time you step foot in the gym, week after week, month after month, year after year, you’re going to eventually break down. You need to respect your time outside of the gym. There’s an old weightlifting adage that goes something like: “You don’t get bigger and stronger from lifting weights, you get bigger and stronger from recovering from lifting weights.”

Proper nutrition, hydration and sleep all play their part in recovery, but you also need to listen to your body. If you continuously beat yourself down, you’re going to get hurt, injured or worse. Stay on top of your mobility work. If you haven’t done so yet, pay a daily visit to Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD. The information there is invaluable.

Health Tracking

Metabolic Panel Date Weight Blood Pressure Lipid Profile Details

New PRs

LIFT/ WOD PR Date Details
Squat – High Bar Back 203 lbs 5/10/2012  
Squat – Low Bar Back      
Squat – Front 135 lbs 5/12/2012  
Squat – Overhead 75 lbs    
Deadlift 280 lbs    
Squat Clean      
Power Clean 135 lbs    
Clean & Jerk 135 lbs 5/12/2012  
Snatch 75 lbs    
Bench 135 lbs    
Mile for time 7:40 min 5/10/2012  
Filthy Fifty      
Fight Gone Bad      

Manny Bakis – Shoulder Advice

New PR’s!!!


1 mile for time: 7:40 (7 minutes, 40 seconds)

High Bar Back Squat: 203 lbs (Did 2 reps then BAILED on the 3rd rep)


Also met Physical Therapist Manny Bakis, who gave me some GREAT advice on strengthening my shoulders to make up for a weak, torn labrum…this is what he told me:


2012 may 10
Manny Bakis Doctorate of Physical therapy

Do I need surgery? NO but I NEED to keep my rotator cuff STRONG by doing these 2 exercises every day…especially PRE crossfit.

2 exercises
PRE workout
ICE shoulders post workout
Supplement with cissus herbal joint tendon supplement

Band at shoulder height.
1. Arm straight out, thumb up, elbow straight, Extend outwards, from front to side (3×20 reps) you should keep your shpulder away from your ear and pulled back, and u will feel the burn in your rear shoulder) keep arm paralell to ground.

2. Elnbow bents like your waving hi…90 degree angle, palm forward. keep elbow shoulder level…pull band backwards like you’re throwing a ball behind you.

Optional: use lacrosse ball to roll out trigger points in your rear shoulder, while leaning against a wall….or the back of your shoulder blade.

Also lay on the floor and bend your elbows at 90 degrees and flip them up and down.

Buy purple resistance band

I told him that I tore my labrum a few years ago, and didn’t get surgery, he asked me if my bicep would tighten up, and I said no, he said GOOD (I think he wanted to know if its a SLAP tear and I don’t think it is…)
ANyways, I asked him if I needed SURGERY to continue doing crossfit, and he said NO….BUT I need to keep my ROTATOR CUFF STRONG by doing 2 exercises EVERY SINGLE DAY….ESPECIALLY BEFORE DOING CROSSFIT…
Also, it doesn’t hurt to
1.Ice my shoulders
2. take “cissus”



Word Up from Kelly Starrett on Ibuprofen

This is a brilliant post from CrossFit San Francisco’s Kelly Starett on the use of NSAIDs following workouts.  It demonstrates exactly what I deeply admire about CrossFit’s most brilliant minds.  No matter how easy something makes life, long term health and wellness IS NEVER WORTH SACRIFICING!!  Read on…


“Ok. Ibuprofen has no place in the life of the athlete obsessed with chasing performance. Taking an anti-inflammatory drug of any kind makes tendons and ligaments weaker, and stops muscles from getting stronger. Is this clear enough? Yes, we used to call it Vitamin I. Yes, we used to say that RICE should have a second “I” in it (Rest, Ice, Ibuprofen, Compression, Elevation). 

We used to also do “21′s” on back and bi’s day too. It’s not ok.

Here’s the low down. Ibuprofen is an NSAID (Non-Steroidal-Anti-Inflammatory-Drug) which is believed to work through the inhibition of cyclooxygenase (COX), thus inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis. Prostaglandins, are like hormones in that they act as chemical messengers, but do not move to other sites, but work right within the cells where they are synthesized. Prostaglandins are vital mediators of the inflammatory cascade. The swelling and subsequent prostaglandin production signals all of the important cells circulating in your body to come and fix/reinforce the challenged tissues. That’s right, all that soreness you feel after Fran is the resultant swelling from all the micro-damage you’ve done to your muscles. It’s this very inflammatory response that is responsible for making you a BETTER ATHLETE. The Worst thing you can do is to go through a horrible workout like Fran and then not reap the resultant gains from the training stimulus.

No good coach should allow their athletes to take ibuprofen at anytime. Even if they are hung over..


NSAIDs have been shown to delay and hamper the healing in all the soft tissues, including muscles, ligaments, tendons, and cartilage. Anti-inflammatories can delay healing and delay it significantly, even in muscles with their tremendous blood supply. In one study on muscle strains, Piroxicam (an NSAID) essentially wiped out the entire inflammatory proliferative phase of healing (days 0-4). At day two there were essentially no macrophages (cells that clean up the area) in the area and by day four after the muscle strain, there was very little muscle regeneration compared to the normal healing process. (Greene, J. Cost-conscious prescribing of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for adults with arthritis. Archives of Internal Medicine. 1992; 152:1995-2002.)

Long term NSAID use is hard on your tissues and directly responsible from some pretty gnarly chronic body issues.

So how do we treat acute inflammatory/inflammation pain?

You know the answer. 

Ice. (Maybe a little Tylenol if you really, really need it, it’s not an NSAID after all) 

But remember, Acetaminophen causes three times as many cases of liver failure as all other drugs combined and is the most common cause of acute liver failure in the United States. Even recommended doses especially combined with even small amounts of alcohol (Yes you Crossfitters) have caused irreversible liver failure. Don’t be so cavalier about treating your muscle soreness with drugs. Taking pain meds of any kind is serious. 


Can you see the difference between treating pain and treating inflammation? Control swelling and Pain with Ice as seen below, it won’t short circuit the way your body actually heals itself and becomes stronger. (Hell, the Ice bath might make you a little stronger too.) 


Bask in your soreness!Brag about it at work as your friends help you get up off the toilet. And above all, practice all the recovery tricks you know! These include: Proper nutrition, fluid intake, ice bath, fish oil, active recovery, stretching, massage, etc.


Hell, you can even sneak in another quick workout the next day before the 48 hour soreness beat down really kicks in! Quick, let’s do Fight Gone Bad before you get too sore from yesterday’s double fran! For example.


Seriously. Knock it off. Get off the Vitamin I.